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The fashion industry's impact on our world is staggering. It's not just about clothes—it’s about our environment and the people who make them. Every year, billions of new garments flood the market, leaving behind a trail of waste and exploitation.

As an artist, I refuse to contribute to this cycle. Instead, I find beauty in the discarded, breathing new life into fabrics forgotten by others. My materials come from thrift stores, neighbors, and even my home—every piece tells a story of resilience and renewal.



For the past five years, I've been growing subtropical indigo plants in my garden, using them to connect myself with the land and with my hands to create things. In 2017, I learned that indigo is also profoundly rooted in Java, Indonesia, where I am from. I quickly dwell on that fact and continue to be fascinated by the deep history of indigo, its interconnectedness among other cultures in the world, its colonial roots, and now, its power to build a new, conscious way of life, where we also respect the land and the people who work to get it to us.

I've immersed myself in visual art, including photography, watercolor, and acrylic painting, for over twenty years, alongside my architectural studies. My journey began with winning a photography competition in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, capturing the essence of its narrow alleys.

Art and design became integral to my project presentations, culminating in exhibitions documenting cultural heritage across Japanese cities like Kyoto and Osaka. Following my studies, I engaged in socio-environmental work in Kampung Kali Code, Yogyakarta, fostering a deep connection with the community.

Still in the background, I continue creating artwork and photography projects. In 2017, I had my solo photography project on 'Sense of Place: Java,' with works related to Javanese culture, place, and the practice of batik and natural dye. Over the past two years, I've been invited to teach a Javanese Batik workshop at the Indonesian Consulate of Chicago and the Asian American Cultural Resource Center at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.

As I navigate the intersection of art, community, and education, my journey is a testament to the transformative power of creativity in shaping narratives, fostering connections, and inspiring positive change.